Tag Archives: Sugar

Artificial Sweetener Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Attacks and Stroke

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Sugar-free candy, sugar-free soda, sugar-free energy drinks, you name it. There are so many sugar-free food and drink options available to consumers! How is it possible for these products can taste so … Continue reading

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Added Sugar is Linked to Poor Health

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern We all know that we as Americans consume quite a bit of added sugars. Whether it be in sugary sodas, coffees, desserts, or sugary snacks, added sugar is everywhere! According to Linda … Continue reading

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Kick That Sugar Craving!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Let’s be honest with ourselves. Every now and then, a sugary snack just hits the spot. Unfortunately, however, these sugary snacks are less than healthy, and sometimes that craving for some sweet … Continue reading

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Too Much Sugar in Your Diet May Weaken Your Immune System

By Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau Outreach Director While we’ve heard that too much sugar isn’t good for you in general, there’s more evidence that sugar and other foods may impact our immune systems. Consumption of too much added sugar … Continue reading

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Is it Time to Reduce Your Glycemic Index?

Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau Outreach Director   I often must ask myself, “am I eating too much sugar or poor-quality carbs?” The holidays are our excuse to often ignore this question. But a recent study is creating more conviction … Continue reading

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