Immune Boosting Foods Cheat Sheet

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Food is nutrition, we all know that by now. But did you know what we eat has a huge impact on our ability to avoid getting sick and to also get better faster? Research shows that a balanced diet is more effective at preventing illness than vitamin C supplementation alone.

Here is a quick cheat sheet of some of the best immune system-boosting foods according to nutritionists!

Citrus – The traditional immune-boosting food. Citrus is full of vitamin C, which acts as an antibiotic and protects cells against damage.

Yogurt – Full of live cultures and probiotics that are beneficial to gut health. 70-80% of your immune-boosting bacteria live in your gut!

Garlic – Has been used for centuries in ancient medicine. Known for alliin content, which is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

Sweet potatoes – A good source of beta-carotene, which is necessary for the body to produce vitamin A, which then protects cells and tissues from infection. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

Leafy greens – These are a powerhouse of nutrition, as they contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as folate. The 3 best varieties are spinach, kale, and Swiss chard.

Almonds – These are a rich source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is responsible for protecting cell membranes against oxidative stress.

Something cool about many of these foods is that they’re produced right here in Arizona! Citrus is one of the 5 C’s of Arizona, we have lots of dairies that produce milk for yogurt, and we also grow lots of different leafy greens! Getting your hands on some nutritious immune-boosting foods couldn’t be easier!

For more health and food articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Enjoy Winter Lettuce Thanks to Yuma, Arizona!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Hanging in my closet is a t-shirt that reads, “Ever had a salad in December? You’re welcome – Yuma, Arizona” Whenever I wear it, I sometimes get asked what that’s even supposed to mean, or what salads have to do with Yuma, AZ. It’s the perfect conversation starter to have the chance to educate consumers about where their food comes from because lettuce really does have a lot to do with Yuma!

So why is lettuce so big in Arizona during the winter? Well, thanks to our warmer climate and warmer winters, farmers can keep on growing and harvesting lettuce and other leafy greens through the cold months, whereas most other states get too cold for it to survive. Arizona lettuce is what makes it possible for people across the country to enjoy a green salad as part of their Christmas spread, or just alongside any meal this season!


Here are some more facts about Yuma, Arizona’s lettuce production:

Lettuce is just one of the many crops that highlights Arizona’s unique agriculture production! The Fill Your Plate blog is full of other articles about lettuce and other crops, as well as delicious recipes that use Arizona-grown produce!

Just remember, the next time that you have a salad in December, remember to thank Yuma, Arizona farmers!!

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Brain Boosting Benefits of Fish

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

When I was little, my absolute least favorite food was fish. I couldn’t stand the taste or even the smell of it. But, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to love fish. Besides getting over my hatred of fish, I’ve also come to appreciate what a nutrient-dense protein source it is that also offers many health benefits, especially for our brains.

Nutrition research has proven fish to be an essential part of a healthy diet, according to registered dietician Kelly LeBlanc. That’s one of the reasons that the Mediterranean diet (a top diet plan endorsed by nutritionists and very good for brain health), places such a heavy emphasis on fish consumption.

While we’ve probably all heard that fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, it goes a little deeper than that. LeBlanc notes that fish is rich in two specific kinds of omega 3’s. the first is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is the main building block of our brains, and seafood is the main dietary source of DHA. The second is eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA), which also promotes brain health.

LeBlanc also states that both DHA and EPA reduce the small proteins in the brain that promote cognitive decline, inflammation, and Alzheimer’s. DHA and EPA have also been shown to help with mood disorders including depression and bipolar disorder. Finally, another benefit to eating fish is that it has even shown to increase the grey matter in our brains that are responsible for memory and cognition in elderly people.

So, as you can see, fish is pretty impressive when it comes to brain health benefits. This doesn’t even include all the rest of the nutritional benefits of fish, but we’ll save that for another article!

We’ve written lots about fish on the Fill Your Plate blog! Check out some of our other articles!

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Electrolytes – What They are and Why We Need Them

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Gatorade, Propel, Powerade, Pedialyte, there are all sorts of electrolyte supplements to help keep you hydrated, and your electrolyte levels balanced. But have you ever stopped and wondered what electrolytes even are and what happens when they get out of balance?

According to registered dietician Helen West, electrolyte is an overarching term for particles that have either a positive or negative electric charge. In the nutrition realm, the term electrolyte refers to essential minerals found in blood, sweat, and urine. When these minerals dissolve, they form electrolytes. Our bodies contain the following electrolytes: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and bicarbonate.

Electrolytes are crucial for:

  • Conducting nerve impulses
  • Contracting muscles
  • Hydrating the body
  • Regulating pH levels

Our bodies need electrolytes in a balance for us to function optimally, but sometimes they can become imbalanced. Electrolyte imbalances often occur from dehydration, but can also come from kidney disease, eating disorders, excessive sweating, or severe burns.

Some symptoms of an electrolyte imbalance include:

  • Fatigue
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness and cramping
  • Headaches
  • Convulsions

The best way to avoid an electrolyte imbalance or to recover from one is to take in a lot of electrolytes to replace those that you’ve lost. West says that the best way to keep your electrolytes balanced is through a healthy diet. Foods such as fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, dairy products, and table salt all contain high amounts of the electrolytes our bodies need. While there are all sorts of electrolyte supplements and drinks out there, they’re typically only needed in certain cases when you’re losing lots of electrolytes fast. Otherwise maintaining a healthy diet suffices.

Here in Arizona, it’s pretty easy to get dehydrated and lose electrolytes, especially during our dry summers. So, as the weather begins to heat up, eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, and keep your electrolytes balanced!

For more articles about healthy diets and hydration tips, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Collection of Fill Your Plate’s Articles on Eggs!

Fresh white eggs in cardboard egg box.By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern


Spring will be here soon! Something that is always associated with spring but still enjoyed all year long is eggs! Not only are they fun to dye and hide on Easter, but they are also a powerhouse when it comes to nutrition! We’ve written a lot about eggs here on the Fill Your Plate blog.

Below you’ll find a collection of every article we’ve done about eggs! Some are Easter-focused, while others explain and highlight all of the nutritional benefits that eggs have to offer! Enjoy!


Eggs Are a Very Economical Protein Source – Fill Your Plate Blog

Eating More Eggs is a Healthy Choice – Fill Your Plate Blog

Extraordinary Easter Eggs! – Fill Your Plate Blog

Eggs – A Nutritional Powerhouse – Fill Your Plate Blog

Choose Eggs. They’re a Healthy Choice! – Fill Your Plate Blog

Make Sure Eggs are Part of Your Healthy Diet – Fill Your Plate Blog

Eggs are a Healthy Protein Choice – Fill Your Plate Blog

Different Ways to Dye Eggs! – Fill Your Plate Blog

Eggs Contain Every Essential Vitamin, Almost! – Fill Your Plate Blog

Arizona’s Eggcellent Eggs! – Fill Your Plate Blog

3 Egg-cellent Ways to Celebrate Eggs in May (

FoodieCast: Duck Eggs (

Little Known Facts about Eggs – Fill Your Plate Blog

If some of these articles got you egg-cited to start adding more eggs to your diet, we’ve got you covered with lots of healthy and nutritious recipes that feature lots of eggs on the Fill Your Plate website!

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