Tag Archives: Blood sugar

Sugar Intake Impacts Alzheimer’s Risk

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern   For some people, there is nothing like having something sweet to finish off a meal. For others, they’d rather consume sugary snacks and beverages all day long. And then there’s a … Continue reading

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Added Sugar is Linked to Poor Health

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern We all know that we as Americans consume quite a bit of added sugars. Whether it be in sugary sodas, coffees, desserts, or sugary snacks, added sugar is everywhere! According to Linda … Continue reading

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Benefits of Flaxseed

By Sarah Hunt, AZFB Communications Intern     Flaxseed has several benefits, and it is easy to incorporate into the food you eat every day. Read this article, 5 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Flaxseeds and How to Add Them to … Continue reading

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15 Fun Facts about Food

Most of us eat every day with only nutrition or sustenance on the mind. We don’t often look at the foods in our fridge for the fun they contain. So, taking a break to look at the fun side of … Continue reading

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Sweet Showdown: Sugar vs. Honey

It seems like half the people we know are looking for easy ways to cut back on their overall sugar intake.  For some people, the desire to cut back on refined sugar is for health reasons like diabetes, for other … Continue reading

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