Kick That Sugar Craving!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Every now and then, a sugary snack just hits the spot. Unfortunately, however, these sugary snacks are less than healthy, and sometimes that craving for some sweet goodness is just all too tempting. So, whether you’re trying to avoid sugar for a diet, or just to cut back on your overall sugar consumption, here are some tips to help you kick that craving when it hits.


Pick a healthy snack

When that craving hits, resist the urge to grab a cookie, and instead make yourself a balanced snack that will satisfy your hunger and give you some nutrition. Registered dietician Anna Taylor says that when choosing a snack, it is vital that you pair a fiber-rich carbohydrate with a lean protein or a healthy fat. The reason for this is that carbs are digested fastest, so that will give you immediate energy, while proteins and fats are digested much slower, so those will give you lasting energy.

Drink lots of water

Often, when we feel hungry, we’re really just in need of some water. So, whenever you feel a craving hit, start by drinking a good amount of water and see how you feel. It is very important to be drinking enough water everyday anyways, so its beneficial either way.

Don’t skip meals

When you skip a meal or two, it usually leaves you feeling starving by the time your next meal rolls around. As a result, it will probably leave you with cravings and a more likely chance of overeating.

Purchase wisely while at the store

Next time you are grocery shopping, be mindful of what you buy. Try avoiding any of the sugary snacks or desserts that line some of the shelves and instead buy fruits and vegetables and other whole foods. If you don’t have sugar in your house, it makes it much harder to eat it!

So, whenever you begin to crave some ice cream, cookies, or brownies, try out some of these tips and see if they help you to reduce the amount of sugar that you consume!

For more articles on sugar, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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