Category Archives: Recipes

Mexican Cuisine is High in Phenolic Compounds

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern  Any time that we have family from out-of-state to visit us in Arizona, they typically always want to have Mexican food at least once while they are here. Usually, the reason is … Continue reading

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Zucchini – A Versatile and Nutritious Veggie!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern My mom absolutely loves gardening, especially in the summer. Each spring when she starts to plant her summer garden, she always makes sure to grow lots of rows of zucchini. Not only … Continue reading

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Beef 101 – How to Grill the Best Steak

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern   In our last Beef 101 article, we looked at all of the nutritional and health benefits that beef has to offer. In this one, we’re going to look at some tips … Continue reading

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Foods That Beat Bloating

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Have you ever finished a meal and then you felt all bloated inside? Maybe it was from something that you ate or maybe you overindulged a little. Other causes of bloating could … Continue reading

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Beans Provide Lots of Nutrients and Health Benefits

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern “Beans, beans, the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you…” You know the rest. When we think of healthy food items, we typically think of kale, spinach, carrots, lean meats, … Continue reading

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