Category Archives: Health Tips

Health Benefits of Pickle Juice

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Pickles seem to be one of those foods that either you absolutely love or you hate with a passion. I personally LOVE pickles. In fact, every time my family and I go … Continue reading

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A Few of the Benefits of Raw Honey

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern We’ve all heard the importance of consuming “raw” foods, or in other words, foods that are completely or mostly unprocessed. Consuming foods in tier raw or natural state means that they maintain … Continue reading

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Sugar Intake Impacts Alzheimer’s Risk

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern   For some people, there is nothing like having something sweet to finish off a meal. For others, they’d rather consume sugary snacks and beverages all day long. And then there’s a … Continue reading

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Omega-3 Potential Benefit to Those with ALS

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern   For the past two years, I’ve been working at a Dutch Bros coffee shop. One thing that is unique about Dutch Bros aside from its incredibly huge menu is that they … Continue reading

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The 6 to 1 Grocery Shopping Method

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Have you ever walked up to your fridge, opened the doors, and found only half a pickle, the little bit of leftovers from last night’s takeout, and about two ounces of milk … Continue reading

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