Tag Archives: Fiber

Eat Black Eyed Peas For Gut Health

By Sarah Hunt, AZFB Communications Intern     Black eyed peas, although they are not as widely used as it’s pinto and black bean counterparts, have many health benefits, including improving your gut health! Read more about the health benefits … Continue reading

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Fun Facts About Pistachios

By Sarah Hunt, AZFB Communications Intern   Pistachios are a delicious snack with many health benefits and nutrients. Check out these fun facts about pistachios before tuning in to our segment with Rosie on the House at 8 am, Saturday, … Continue reading

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Posted in Arizona, Arizona farmers and ranchers, Arizona Food and Farm Events, Diet Tips, Fill Your Plate, Focus on Agriculture, Fun Food Facts, Green Matters, Grocery, Health Tips, Healthy Eating, In the News | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Delicious Oat Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

By Angela Bates A Recent ASU Nutrition Student For someone with dietary restrictions, like celiac disease sufferers, food can be a sad experience. Imagine no longer being able to bake and eat your favorite chocolate chip cookies anymore, but everyone … Continue reading

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4 Easy Ways to Get More Fiber

By Angela Bates a Recent ASU Nutrition Student Fiber is a very important carbohydrate. Normally, carbohydrates are broken down by the body to be used as energy in the form of glucose, but fiber does not get broken down by … Continue reading

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Fiber is your friend

By Kat Brown, Recent ASU Nutrition Student   What is Fiber? Fiber forms the support structure of leaves, stems, and plants. It is the part of foods that are hard to digest, or that the body cannot digest at all. … Continue reading

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