Tips for Aging Healthfully

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

This past September, my family and I had the privilege of celebrating my great-grandma’s 97th birthday with her. That woman never ceases to amaze me, at 97, she is still living on her own, is still as healthy and mentally sharp as ever, and is the biggest card shark I know. While I still have yet to learn her secrets to living such a long and healthy life, I do know that aging healthfully does require some specific actions from us in our younger years. Here are a couple of tips for setting yourself up for success when it comes to aging!

While no one likes the thought of getting older, according to registered dietician Jill Fleming, it is entirely possible to grow old well, as long as you make sure that you are living a healthy lifestyle. She provides the following 10 tips to ensure that you age as best as you can!

  1. Exercise on a regular basis
  2. Eat well
  3. Stay hydrated
  4. Keep your brain strong
  5. Sleep well
  6. Stay social
  7. Limit stress
  8. Get some fresh air
  9. Think positively
  10. Stay on top of your health


These tips for aging gracefully are all relatively easy. And not only are these lifestyle habits good for aging well, but they are also very good for all stages of life. With that being said, there is no reason why we shouldn’t get a head start on keeping ourselves healthy and continue to do so as we age. While I still don’t know all of my great-grandma’s secrets, I know for sure that she does incorporate some of these lifestyle tips into her own life.

For more health-related articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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No Agriculture, No Super Bowl!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

The Super Bowl is right around the corner, and many fans are already preparing for parties and tailgates to hang out with friends and family as they cheer on their teams. While I am definitely not an avid football fan, there is one player that I will be rooting for! That player would be agriculture! Yep, you read that right! Agriculture plays a huge role when it comes to football, and without it, football wouldn’t even exist!

The Super Bowl, or any football game for that matter, would be no fun at all to watch if there wasn’t a football! NFL footballs are made from cowhide, and according to  Texas Farm Bureau, a single cowhide provides enough leather to make 20 footballs!

Football would be no fun to play if it weren’t for the grass that covers the field. Even though we often don’t associate grass with agriculture, it takes a grower to plant the grass seed and care for it to produce the sod needed to cover football fields!

Agriculture is also essential for the jerseys that both players and fans wear on game day. Those jerseys that are worn are made from cotton, which is a fiber that we grow a lot of here in our home state of Arizona!

Finally, the Super Bowl wouldn’t be as enjoyable if it weren’t for all of the delicious foods that are served at tailgates and parties! If it weren’t for agriculture, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy all the hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, or any of the other foods and drinks that are served!

Who knew that agriculture played such a huge role in football? As you watch the game, spend time at a party with friends and family, and enjoy all the game day foods, remember that it didn’t just appear out of nowhere. Farmers and ranchers all over the United States made it possible for us to enjoy all the fun that comes with the Super Bowl!

To learn more about Arizona agriculture, check out the Fill Your Plate blog and Arizona Farm Bureau’s website!

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Breakfast can Provide You with Fuel for Your Day!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

What is the first thing that you do when you get out of bed in the morning? Is it a cup of coffee? A morning walk? Do you begin your day by making yourself a nice, hearty breakfast? Or, maybe you’re like me and rarely have time for any of those things and so you just head out the door on your way to work. Whatever the case may be, making sure that you get a good breakfast may be beneficial to your health.


Find out why breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. (photo credit:

According to registered dietician Supriya Lal, eating breakfast helps your body to keep your blood sugar levels stable, provides you with energy for the rest of the day, and regulates your hunger. This is especially important for those with diabetes or other health issues. But not just any breakfast will do in the morning. She notes that balanced breakfasts that are comprised of fats, carbohydrates, and protein are the best to ensure that you are fueled for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, that means that sugary, carb-loaded breakfasts like doughnuts, muffins, or sugary cereals are out of the question.

Some suggestions for balanced breakfast foods include eggs, whole grain bread, sausage, bacon, oatmeal, nuts and nut butter, Greek yogurt, fruits, and even some veggies! Try combining these foods to give yourself some diversity in the mornings. My personal favorite is making omelets with different combinations of veggies inside, such as mushrooms, and spinach, and then topping them with sliced avocado!

So, try making breakfast a priority and see if it helps you to feel more fueled for your day! A cool little tip is that here in Arizona, we have access to so many locally grown and raised breakfast foods! Some of the food items that you can get locally are eggs, dairy products, meats, and a wide variety of fruits and veggies! Check out the Fill Your Plate website for more information on where and how to find locally-grown products!

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Nutritious, Low-Carb Food Options

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Low-carb diets have been incredibly popular lately, especially for those looking to manage their blood sugar or lose weight. But, as registered dietician Jaclyn London said, carbs are still essential for proper body function, and eliminating them from our diets completely would mean that we’d be missing out on some of their great health benefits. Here are some suggestions of foods from each food group that are both nutrient dense and each serving contains a percentage of carbohydrates that falls into the low-carb category.

  • Vegetables: Leafy greens, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
  • Fruits: Tomatoes, strawberries, melons, apples, and cherries.
  • Meats and seafood: Beef, lamb, chicken, salmon, tuna, mackerel, and anchovies.
  • Dairy and eggs: Plain Greek yogurt, goat cheese, parmesan cheese, and eggs.
  • Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, peanuts, chia seeds, and hazelnuts.
  • Oils and sauces: Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, pesto, and coconut aminos.

This list just goes to show that eating a low-carb diet doesn’t have to be bland, nor does it mean that you have to eliminate healthy carbs completely. Also, many of the items listed above are ones that we grow and produce right here in Arizona! Whether it be veggies or melons from all of the many produce farms down in Yuma, dairy from Shamrock dairy in Maricopa, or eggs from Hickman’s, it’s easy to get fresh, local foods!

For more information on where to find local products, check out all the resources on Fill Your Plate!

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Cabbage Provides a Punch of Health Benefits

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Kimchi, coleslaw, sauerkraut, stir-fry. What does each of these foods have in common? They’re all made with cabbage! While it’s not the most attractive vegetable, cabbage is a super versatile veggie that can be used in so many different dishes, and to make it even better, it has a surprisingly high number of health benefits. It is also a veggie that we produce a bunch of right here in Arizona! Here are some of the specific nutritional benefits of cabbage.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, a one-cup serving of cabbage provides you with 54% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C, 85% of the recommended daily value of vitamin K, more than 2 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of protein, along with other various vitamins and minerals.

Registered dietician Julia Zumpano says that due to the nutrient content of cabbage, this vegetable can have any of the following health benefits.

  • Maintains your strength
  • Improves your digestion
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Protects heart health
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Promotes healthy bones and blood clotting
  • Reduces cancer risk

With all those great health benefits and its versatility, cabbage is definitely a veggie to incorporate into your meals. For some recipe ideas, consider these recipes that use cabbage from Fill Your Plate!

Looking to find locally grown cabbage? Check out this farmer’s market locator from the Fill Your Plate website!

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