Category Archives: Exercise

Study: Aerobic Exercise Associated with Lower Death Risk

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Whenever I’m not working, you’ll usually find me at home working out, whether it be outside going on a walk or a run, or inside lifting weights. I’ve found that it is … Continue reading

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Tips for Aging Healthfully

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern This past September, my family and I had the privilege of celebrating my great-grandma’s 97th birthday with her. That woman never ceases to amaze me, at 97, she is still living on … Continue reading

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The Weekend Exercise Warrior: It’s Better than Nothing

Staff Reports Adults who only have time to exercise on the weekends can still reap benefits from physical activity, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. And that can be most of us. In the study, researchers examined … Continue reading

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Cardio: The Best Exercise

By Sarah Hunt, AZFB Communications Intern   Did you know that cardio is the best exercise for your heart and for burning calories? There are many benefits to doing an aerobic* workout routine. Check them all out in some of … Continue reading

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How To Adjust Your Workouts for Improved Sleep

By Sarah Hunt, AZFB Communications Intern   It’s no question that working out has many health benefits, one being that it tires you out so you can have a great night’s sleep. But how do we optimize our workouts so … Continue reading

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