What to Look for on a Nutrition Label

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

When you’re at the store purchasing food to stock in your fridge, freezer, and pantry, how often do you look at the nutrition label on the back? If you don’t already, I would suggest that you do, as there is a lot of helpful information contained on that label as to the health of the food. Although it may seem like just a bunch of hard-to-pronounce words, numbers, and percentage signs, these labels ought to carry some weight when it comes to the foods that you choose to feed your family.

Food Labels

Make sure you understand these commonly used terms on food labels (photo credit: BigStockPhoto.com)

According to registered dietician Stephanie Grasso, carefully looking at nutrition labels is an important part of maintaining a balanced diet. Luckily, interpreting these labels is actually very simple. Grasso says that the first place to start is by looking at the number of calories in a serving of that food. Next, she says to look at the carb-to-protein ratio. Foods that are high in protein are good because they regulate blood sugar and keep you feeling satisfied longer. But, if it is a high-carb food, then she suggests making sure that it also has a lot of fiber so that it still helps to keep you full.

When it comes to nutrients, the percent daily values are a good place to look. But sometimes these can be confusing, because how much is a good amount for each of these nutrients? Grasso has the perfect tip for determining if those percentages indicate if the food is high or low in specific nutrients. If the percentage is 20% or higher, then it is a high source of that nutrient, and anything that is 5% or lower is considered low.

With that being said, next time that you are out grocery shopping, keep these tips in mind when checking nutrition labels so that you can be confident that the foods that you’re feeding your families are providing them with the right nutrition!

For more grocery shopping tips, check out these articles from Fill Your Plate!

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Americans Need to Consume More Whole Grains

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Take a minute and think about all that you typically consume. How much, if any, of your diet is comprised of whole grains? Recent research suggests that while Americans are eating more whole grains, it still isn’t enough to meet their daily needs, which is suggested to be 3 ounces per day.

Interestingly, the percent increase in American’s whole grain consumption is dependent on the definition of what makes a grain product a “whole grain.” Different health organizations provide different definitions, some very strict, and others very loose to the point that they consider nachos, burritos, and tacos as whole grain foods. But, regardless of which definition is used, all research concludes that American’s still need to up their whole grain intake.

As a general rule of thumb, registered dietician-nutritionist Amy Gorin says that whole grain is one that contains all the naturally occurring essential parts of the grain in their natural proportions. This includes the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. Once any one of these is removed through processing, it becomes a “refined grain.”

Adding more whole grains to our diets brings a lot of health benefits with it. According to registered dietician Amy Braganini, these include:

  • Feeling full longer – Which can help curb overeating
  • Lower risk of high blood pressure and heart disease
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Decreased risk of colorectal cancer

So, how can we increase our consumption of whole grains? When at the store, pay attention to the labeling of the package. Look for the “100% Whole Grain” label, or for whole grains listed in the ingredients list. Also, opt for whole grain substitutions, such as brown rice instead of white, whole grain noodles instead of regular, or add cooked grains to soups, salads, or other meals for added texture!

For healthy recipes that use whole grains, or for more health-related articles, check out the Fill Your Plate website!

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Add Some Citrus to Your Water

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

We all know the importance of staying hydrated. It is especially important for those of us living here in Arizona, as the heat during the summer can get quite intense, making it even more vital that we keep replacing the water we shed while sweating.

But it can sometimes be hard to make ourselves drink as much water as we should. The Cleveland Clinic suggests adding lime or lemon juice to your glass of water to help you drink more, as well as to reap the health benefits that these citrus fruits provide.

According to registered dietician Carly Sedlacek, lemons and limes are chock full of nutrients. These citrus fruits are a good source of the soluble fiber pectin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, B, C, and D. Sedlacek also says that they are full of antioxidants and phytonutrients.

And the cool thing, we grow wonderful citrus in Arizona!

Thanks to their vast nutrient content, lemons and limes can provide you with the following health benefits.

  • Improves skin
  • Improves digestion
  • Increases hydration
  • Increases immunity
  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Supports healthy weight loss
  • Improves the absorption of iron
  • Potentially could reduce risk of certain cancers

Sedlacek notes that these fruits aren’t a cure-all by any means. But, adding them to your water is a simple way to get a few extra nutrients! More importantly, it can help you to drink more water because the juice adds a little bit more interest to plain old water!

Did you know that we grow citrus right here in Arizona? Look for some Arizona grown lemons and limes next time you’re shopping at your local grocery store or famer’s market!

For more health-related articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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20 Dietician-Recommended Heart-Healthy Snacks

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern


We all know the feeling when a few hours after lunch, we begin to feel “snacky” again. Often, when it comes to buying or preparing snacks, our main objectives are to find a snack that is quick, not too messy, convenient, and fairly healthy.

While these are great goals to have when snacking, another snack food criterion to also consider is how they support heart health. Believe it or not, a lot of foods that are easy snacks also have a great deal of heart health benefits. 

Check out this list of 20 dietician-recommended heart-healthy snacks:

  1. Almond butter and fruit
  2. Grapes, cranberries, or pomegranates
  3. Avocado toast
  4. Hummus and veggies
  5. Bread and olive oil
  6. Tuna, avocado, and cucumber slices
  7. Tuna salad
  8. Salmon and crackers
  9. Walnuts and fruit
  10. Bean salsa and sliced bell peppers
  11. Popcorn
  12. Roasted chickpeas
  13. Edamame
  14. Pumpkin seeds
  15. Cheese and whole grain crackers
  16. Trail mix
  17. Peanut butter and whole grain toast
  18. Overnight oats and nut butter
  19. Corn chips and guacamole
  20. Yogurt or cottage cheese

If you haven’t noticed already, there are a couple of nutrients that all of these snacks have in common. These would be fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants, which registered dietician Erica Ingraham considers to be the trifecta of heart healthy nutrients.

But remember, these are tasty snacks so watch how much you eat. Portion control still needs to be in place.

So, the next time that you’re preparing snacks for yourself, or shopping to replenish your pantry, make sure to incorporate some of these heart-healthy foods! Not only will you be satisfying your “snacky” feelings, but you’ll also be doing your heart a favor!

Check out these related snack articles from Fill Your Plate!

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Almonds Promote Gut Health

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Fill Your Plate Intern

Gut health is a topic that has been receiving a lot of attention lately, and as it should. Our gut health is crucial to our overall health. Since digestion occurs in the gut and is the process of breaking down the foods we eat into the nutrients that our bodies need in order to thrive, it is important that the gut be happy and healthy in order that the process of digesting and absorbing nutrients run as smoothly as possible. Almond in wooden bowl, on wooden background

According to new research, the foods that we eat play a big role in the health of our gut. One such food that was shown to improve gut health was almonds. The study demonstrated that eating a handful of almonds a day significantly increased the amount of butyrate, which is one of the key microorganisms that live in our gut. Researchers said that increased butyrate leads to a strong gut lining, which ultimately promotes better nutrient absorption and flourishing gut microbes.

Eating foods that benefit our health is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Not only are you meeting your energy needs for the day, but you’re also using those same calories to also nourish and promote other aspects of your health. Almonds aren’t the only food that promotes gut health. Check out the following articles from Fill Your Plate that discuss other foods that benefit our guts!

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