Tag Archives: Health
5 Ways to Curb Stress Eating
Stress is something everyone experiences. Some of us have more of it than others and we all know that when we have too much stress for too long it can be bad for our health. While reducing stress is always … Continue reading
Using Food to Fight Stress
Research has shown that there is a complex link between our central nervous system and our gut which may eventually help to explain why so many of us are prone to unhealthy eating decisions when our stress starts to boil … Continue reading
March Ahead Toward Better Health
It’s March, which means the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is once again sponsoring National Nutrition Month to help raise awareness about how what we eat impacts our health. If you are looking for tips on how to eat better, one … Continue reading
9 Ways to Help Protect Your Heart Health
Despite the fact that breast cancer gets all the press, heart disease is actually the number 1 cause of death for American women, killing more each year than all types of cancer combined. In an effort to raise awareness about this … Continue reading
5 Tips for Living with Food Allergies
If you are one of the 15 million Americans with a food allergy, you already know that it isn’t always easy to successfully manage your allergy. We spend time in a variety of places throughout each day and come in … Continue reading