Tag Archives: Omega-3 fatty acid

Omega-3 Potential Benefit to Those with ALS

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern   For the past two years, I’ve been working at a Dutch Bros coffee shop. One thing that is unique about Dutch Bros aside from its incredibly huge menu is that they … Continue reading

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Study: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Preserved Brain Health

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern When I was younger, I absolutely hated fish. I couldn’t stand the sight, smell, or taste of any kind of seafood. But, for some reason, about a year ago, I began to … Continue reading

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Best Foods for Expecting Mothers

Congratulations, you are pregnant! The food choices you make every day you are pregnant can affect your heath and the health of your baby. It comes as no surprise that the best foods for expecting women are great foods for … Continue reading

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How to Use Food to Manage Your Cholesterol

If you are looking for ways to lower your cholesterol, you may want to start by looking at what you eat. You may be thinking this means removing certain foods from your diet and while that is true, using diet … Continue reading

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Using Food to Fight Stress

Research has shown that there is a complex link between our central nervous system and our gut which may eventually help to explain why so many of us are prone to unhealthy eating decisions when our stress starts to boil … Continue reading

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