Tag Archives: Grocery shopping

The 6 to 1 Grocery Shopping Method

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Have you ever walked up to your fridge, opened the doors, and found only half a pickle, the little bit of leftovers from last night’s takeout, and about two ounces of milk … Continue reading

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A Message to Moms: Don’t Fear the Fear Tactics in Marketing

By Amber Morin, Arizona Farm Bureau Field Manager and southern Arizona rancher Hi, moms! In agriculture, we are moms too and we care about you. We understand that being a mom can be very fulfilling, but also very stressful. As … Continue reading

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Your Home Brand of Nutrition

By Kevin Dietmeyer, Recent Arizona State University Nutrition Student   What’s your favorite brand?   Even if you’re a purist who avoids falling prey to the superficial trap that is ‘name brand’, you undoubtedly still have a brand you’re more … Continue reading

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Posted in Arizona, Diet Tips, Food, Fruit, Grocery, Health Tips, Healthy Eating, Produce, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment