Tag Archives: Food Shopping

The 6 to 1 Grocery Shopping Method

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern Have you ever walked up to your fridge, opened the doors, and found only half a pickle, the little bit of leftovers from last night’s takeout, and about two ounces of milk … Continue reading

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Stocking a Pantry on a Budget

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern I grew up in a family of 6, where both of my parents were self-employed and my three brothers and I were homeschooled, which meant we were always home and always ate … Continue reading

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Filling Arizona’s Food Deserts With Good Food

By Erin Wyatt A Recent ASU Nutrition Student The state of Arizona has a huge problem with hunger among its citizens. Approximately 17.8% of the state’s population is considered to be food insecure.1 When you compare this number to the … Continue reading

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