Slather Up with Some Sunscreen this Summer!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

The summer months are always super fun, as there is no school during the week, vacations are planned, and overall, there is just much more leisure time to enjoy. But, along with these relaxed summer months comes intense sunshine and heat, which means that sunscreen is a must for many people. Here are a few tips on how to choose the best and most effective sunscreen to slather yourself with!

Before choosing the best sunscreen for your skin, it’s important to know just how sunscreen actually works to protect your skin from the sun’s rays. According to the Cleveland Clinic, active ingredients in sunscreen filter ultra-violet light before it can penetrate your skin. Some active ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium oxide act as a reflector that makes UV rays bounce off your skin, while other chemical-based ingredients soak into your skin and help to keep the absorbed sun rays from causing any damage.


When it comes to choosing the best sunscreen to use, Dr. Melissa Piliang, there are two things to look at on the bottle. First, you want to choose one that has a high SPF number, at least a 15, as the SPF is what protects you from UVB rays, which are the main cause of sunburn. But you also need something to protect your skin from UVA rays, which cause skin cancer and other damage. To protect against UVA rays as well, look for a sunscreen that says “broad spectrum” on the bottle, as this means that it protects against both kinds of sun rays.

A few other tips that Dr. Piliang gives when it comes to sunscreen is to let it soak in for about 30 minutes, to reapply every two hours, and to take advantage of other sun protection such as hats or umbrellas!

So, protect your skin this summer while you’re enjoying all the activities these months have to offer!!!

For more articles about summer recipes, summer activities, and more, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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4 Tips for Budgeting at the Grocery Store

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

With prices increasing on almost everything these days, many of us are looking for ways to cut back on our spending, including at the grocery store. While it is great to get creative and reduce the amount of money that we spend on the products we need in our daily lives, it is important to not compromise quality, especially when it comes to food.

Often, fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats may appear the most expensive at the grocery store, while highly processed, unhealthy pre-packaged foods seem cheaper. But, if you break out by the “unit” price, the value you’re getting in the basic items is much better than the processed items. Sometimes, you’re purchasing mostly packaging. Take cereal for example, you may even be purchasing a bunch of air when you open the box and see how much actual cereal you’re getting.

As we all know, maintaining a healthy, nutrient-rich diet is crucial to our overall health and well-being. So, here are some tips on how to stretch your dollar at the grocery store so that you can still buy good, high-quality foods to feed your family!

Watch for ads and coupons

Store ads and coupons are a great way to save a little extra money on the products that you regularly buy. While it may seem like a very small amount of money, it all adds up over time!

Freeze extras

When foods are on sale, buy a little extra and throw it in the freezer! Especially if it is foods that you regularly use. That way you don’t have to pay a higher price next time you need more of that product!

Buy canned or frozen fruits and veggies

Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables are actually just as nutritious if not more than their fresh counterparts! This is because they are preserved sooner after they are harvested.

Plan Your Weekly Meals

A plan on what you’ll cook during the week helps you focus. You can purchase one meat item, for example, and use the leftovers for reheating or making sandwiches the next day. When you plan your menu around the weekly circulars that come in the mail, then you’re maximizing savings.

Just because you have to watch your spending doesn’t mean that you have to scrimp on the foods that you buy! Try out some of these creative tips to make your dollar go farther!

For more articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Water Needs Vary Person to Person

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

It’s starting to warm back up here in Arizona, and it won’t be long till we are having triple-digit temperatures again! That means it’s time to exchange those cozy blankets and cups of hot chocolate for swimsuits, sunglasses, and ice-cold lemonades!

The amount of water you must drink may vary widely from someone else’s needs.

More importantly, with the temperatures rising, it is vital that we make sure that we are drinking enough water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Often it has been said that everybody needs to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but new research shows that this amount actually varies from person to person.

A recent study analyzed the amount of water that our bodies turnover on a daily basis. In other words, they looked at how much water our bodies could process and how much we needed to replace. The averages that they found ranged between 1 and 6 liters of water per day.

Gender, Age and Level of Activity Influences Your Water Intake

The main reasons for the difference in daily water needs included age, gender, activity levels, and living environments. Overall, those who were younger had the highest water turnover, men have a higher turnover rate than women, and those who live very active lifestyles or are athletes also have a higher turnover rate than those who aren’t active. Also, those who live in very hot or humid climates also need more water than those who don’t as they are sweating out and shedding much more water.

So, there is no universal amount of water that each of us should be drinking each day. We are all made differently, live different lifestyles, and live in different climates. Thus, the amount of water that we drink each day needs to be based on our individual requirements. Considering that we live in Arizona, and it gets exceptionally hot here, it is even more important for us to prioritize drinking water, especially in the summer months!

For more health-related articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Budget-Friendly Cooking Oil Alternatives

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Olive oil has long been a kitchen staple due to its healthfulness and versatility. It is the perfect base for salad dressings, bread dips, or for coating vegetables before roasting. And, it has been shown to provide many cardiovascular health benefits. But, as we all know, buying real, high-quality olive oil can be expensive, and some expect the price of olive oil to rise by approximately 25 percent.

With olive oil becoming more expensive, it’s not going to fit into everyone’s grocery budget. But this doesn’t mean that flavor and healthfulness have to be thrown out the window. Luckily, there are other dietician-recommended oils that can be used in place of olive oil.

  • Peanut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Walnut oil
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Avocado oil

Each of these alternatives to olive oil still provides many antioxidants, omega-3 and heart-healthy fats, so there’s no need to worry about missing out nutritionally! So, if your favorite olive oil gets too expensive, try out one of these alternatives! You’ll be saving yourself some money and adding some variety to your foods! Regardless, olive oil is an excellent and healthy cooking oil. So, even skimping on other items might allow you to keep olive oil in your kitchen.

For more health-related articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Beat that Morning Grogginess!

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

There is nothing worse than waking up feeling groggy, and just as tired as you were the night before. I mean, isn’t your sleep at night supposed to make you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized? When we wake up feeling drained and less than energetic, often we resort to caffeinating ourselves and hoping for the best. But, caffeine and hope aren’t our only options!

Here are some other tips you might consider trying to avoid that morning grogginess.

According to Dr. Raphael Vallat, there are three important steps to take in order to wake up feeling refreshed the next morning.

  1. Choose breakfast wisely

We all know that breakfast is an important meal that provides you with the energy to start your day. But, what you choose to eat matters. Dr. Vallat says that a breakfast comprised of sugary, simple carbohydrates actually works in reverse, making you more tired rather than giving you that morning boost of energy. Instead, he suggests opting for a breakfast that is made of complex carbohydrates to give you a lasting source of energy first thing in the morning.

  1. Increase exercise amount and intensity

Dr. Vallat notes that there is a linear association between exercise and alertness the next morning. So, getting a good workout completed the day prior has a big impact on waking up refreshed the next morning. Additionally, he says that increasing the amount or intensity of your exercise helps to pack an even bigger punch on your alertness the following day.

  1. Wake up later

While waking up later in the morning doesn’t always work with school or work schedules, it does have some benefits when it comes to feeling awake the next day. This is because it places you on the upswing of your circadian rhythm. But, because it isn’t as practical, Dr. Douglas Kirsch says that just staying on a consistent sleep and wake schedule can also provide you with a more refreshed feeling the next morning.

So, if you’re tired of waking up with that sluggish feeling, try out some of these tips in the morning and the night prior and help yourself beat that grogginess!

For more sleep articles, check out the following from Fill Your Plate!


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