The 6 to 1 Grocery Shopping Method

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Have you ever walked up to your fridge, opened the doors, and found only half a pickle, the little bit of leftovers from last night’s takeout, and about two ounces of milk left in the jug? While I’m no dietician or nutrition expert, I’d say that’s a pretty clear sign that it’s time for you to hit the grocery store for a re-stock! But sometimes grocery shopping isn’t always enjoyable, whether that be because of inflation and higher prices, the hassle of going out and actually doing the shopping, and then having to decide what and how much to get.

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Luckily, there are different ways to approach grocery shopping to help save money and make the process smoother and easier. One method is called the 6 to 1 method, thought up by TV personality and chef Will Coleman.

The basics to the 6 to 1 method are listed below:

  • Only make 1 weekly trip to the store, or 2 if it’s for a big family.
  • Don’t go to the store with a predetermined list but do have meal ideas or inspiration in mind.
  • Buy the foods that sound good and that you actually want to eat.
  • Purchase 6 vegetables, 5 fruits, 4 proteins, 3 starches, 2 sauces, spreads, or seasonings, and 1 fun treat.


There are quite a few benefits to the 6 to 1 method.  The main benefit is that it takes into consideration 3 big factors when it comes to grocery shopping: Taste, price, and healthfulness. By having you buy only a certain amount of foods and having you only buy the foods that you’ll actually want to eat, you’ll be cutting down on overspending and food waste. Also, this approach to shopping and meal planning promotes eating all in moderation.

This is just one grocery shopping strategy that you can try out, many others exist as well too. The key is to find what works best for your budget, your family, your diet, and your schedule! Luckily, we have many more articles on Fill Your Plate about grocery shopping tips, and lots of healthy recipes!


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