Tag Archives: Dietary fiber

How to Use Food to Manage Your Cholesterol

If you are looking for ways to lower your cholesterol, you may want to start by looking at what you eat. You may be thinking this means removing certain foods from your diet and while that is true, using diet … Continue reading

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Using Food to Fight Stress

Research has shown that there is a complex link between our central nervous system and our gut which may eventually help to explain why so many of us are prone to unhealthy eating decisions when our stress starts to boil … Continue reading

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Better Know a Bean

Beans have been around at least as long as we have and are one of the plants that have been cultivated the longest.  Beans have been an important source of protein throughout history because on average they provide more than … Continue reading

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9 Ways to Help Protect Your Heart Health

Despite the fact that breast cancer gets all the press, heart disease is actually the number 1 cause of death for American women, killing more each year than all types of cancer combined.   In an effort to raise awareness about this … Continue reading

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4 Foods that Help Fight Cholesterol

Heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control, is the leading cause of death in this country.  The CDC indicates that more than 26 million Americans have been diagnosed with this condition which equates to more than 11% of … Continue reading

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