Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit…

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

“Beans, beans, the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you…” Yeah, you know the rest! Beans are great in so many different dishes and cuisines. Us Arizonans are especially fond of our refried pinto beans to go with all of the delicious Mexican food we’re known for! In addition to being yummy and versatile, beans on their own are quite a healthy food. Not to mention, we produce some beans right here in Arizona! White beans, kidney beans, pinto beans and black beans,

According to registered dietician Danielle Crumble Smith, beans are a “nutrition powerhouse.” And, after you consider just how much nutrition is actually in each little bean, it’s hard not to agree with her. While each different kind of bean has its own unique nutritional profile, she notes that all beans are full of fiber, resistant starch, protein, iron, and polyphenols. While all beans are incredibly healthy and nutrient-dense, certain kinds of beans offer more of certain nutrients and health benefits. A few examples include:


  • Navy beans are high in manganese.
  • Adzuki beans have been shown to have a positive effect on many diseases.
  • Soybeans are a complete protein, meaning they have all 9 essential amino acids.
  • Lentils are the perfect low-carb food that is also high in protein and fiber.


Pinto beans also deserve a special shoutout, as not only are they full of nutrition too, but they are also grown here in Arizona, and play a big role lots of our Mexican dishes! Nutritionally, pinto beans are just like any other bean in that they are complex carbohydrates and have lots of protein and fiber. But pinto beans specifically, however, provide you with 74% of the recommended daily intake of folate, 36% of the recommended daily intake of phosphorous, and 33% of the recommended daily intake of manganese.

So, cook up some beans with your next meal! And if you’re making some refried beans, make sure to get some of Arizona’s own locally grown pinto beans!

For more health-related articles, or for some delicious recipes that feature beans, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Protein Bars Are Full of Nutrition

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

Whenever I have days that are busy and hectic, finding time to go get lunch can be a little bit hard sometimes. Enter protein bars, which are basically a granola bar, but with an extra nutritional punch. If you pick the right ones, these little bars can be a whole meal on their own. Not to mention, they are super convenient, as they are prepackaged, small, and typically don’t need to be refrigerated. Below are a few of the pros of protein bars and some of the important things to look for when choosing a protein bar.

According to registered dietician Jillian Kubala, protein bars offer quite a few benefits. One of them is that they promote weight loss, as protein is a macronutrient that promotes fullness, helping you to eat less overall. Another benefit is that they improve your nutrient intake because, besides protein, these bars are also full of other nutrients and vitamins. Also, they are incredibly convenient and easy to use as a grab-and-go meal.

When you walk into a grocery store, there are so many different brands and kinds of protein bars to choose from, and of course, each one claims that it’s the best. But it truly comes down to your specific dietary needs and what you’re trying to achieve nutritionally. So, here are a few important things that Kubala says to consider when you’re trying to pick between them.

  • Protein content – Most contain at least 10 grams of protein, and some contain more than 30 grams.
  • Other nutrient content – Some protein bars also have other ingredients such as nuts, dried fruit, oats, or other grains. This adds extra nutrients such as fiber, fat, and vitamins. Depending on which ingredients are used will make the amount of these nutrients vary also.
  • Sugar content – The sugar content in protein bars varies significantly. Some have added sugar, some have artificial sweeteners, some are sweetened with dried fruit, and others have none at all. Always check the sugar content, especially if you’re trying to stay away from too much sugar.

Keeping a box or two of protein bars in your pantry isn’t a bad idea. They are super convenient, packed with nutrition, and perfect for busy schedules. Just make sure that they aren’t full of added sugar and that they have the right amount of protein and nutrients that you need and you’ve got a perfect little meal or snack!

For more articles about healthy snacking, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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Tips For Tackling Spring Cleaning

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

The winter months are slowly but surely coming to an end, which means that it’ll soon be time for spring cleaning! A little bit of extra sunshine and the touch of warmth in the air is perfect for motivating you to take on some of those deep cleaning tasks that might have been overlooked or ignored during the winter. While you might want to just put your head down and tackle the mess, being mindful and methodical about your approach to cleaning can make the whole process smoother. Read on for some practical tips for effective deep cleaning!

Split up chores: When it comes to deep cleaning your house, it might feel tempting to try to get the whole thing clean in only a few days. But that isn’t always the most effective approach, as you might not be as detailed in your cleaning to help speed up the process, or you might feel burnt out early on. So instead, try splitting up your chores over a week or so, and purposefully tackle certain rooms or areas and clean them thoroughly. Remember, it’s not a race!

One room at a time: If you’re anything like me, you might find yourself jumping around from room to room doing a little cleaning here, and a little cleaning there. And at the end of it all, you’re left with a couple different half-cleaned rooms. So, an easy way to avoid that is to make yourself focus on one room at a time. Don’t stop cleaning a certain area until it is completely clean to your liking!

Start with the most rewarding tasks: While it is said that it is better to save the best for last, that isn’t necessarily true for cleaning. By starting with the most fun task (if it is even possible for a cleaning task to be fun) or the most rewarding task, you’re setting yourself up for a more productive time cleaning, as you’ll be more motivated to continue.

Have supplies and keep them organized: There is nothing worse than going to clean something and discovering that you’re all out of your favorite cleaner or that you don’t have any more scrubbers. So, make sure that you’re well stocked up on all your go-to cleaning products and have them in a neat, accessible place to make your spring-cleaning efforts more enjoyable and productive.

Take care of yourself: Finally, take care of yourself and keep yourself in a good mood when tackling all that cleaning. Wear comfy clothes, make yourself a good cup of coffee, turn on some music. The moment you cease to be in a good mood your productivity is going to plummet, and things might not get as clean as they could be.  So, just take a little bit of time to make sure that you’ll be in your prime!

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a super daunting task! Try out some of these tips to keep yourself motivated and to make your cleaning efforts as effective as possible!

For more articles like this, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!


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Spice Up Your Diet and Boost Your Health

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern


One of the many things that Arizona is known for is its great Mexican food. In fact, anytime that we have family from out of state come to visit, they always ask that at least one meal that we make them good, homemade Mexican food. To me, the best part about Mexican cuisine is how spicy it can be! Until I became very sensitive to it, I absolutely loved anything spicy and would douse almost any kind of food in hot sauce. Besides just adding a spicy kick to foods, did you know that spicy foods have some pretty amazing health benefits? Salsa with tortilla chips and chilli peppers.Concept

According to registered dietician Patritia Bridget Lane, a little bit of spice in your diet can pack a really healthful punch. One of these is weight management. Peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which is known to help with weight loss in two ways. First, it boosts metabolism by helping your body break down fat and burn energy faster. Capsaicin also triggers the hypothalamus, the part of your brain that regulates hunger and fullness.

Peppers also have many other health benefits as well. Lane notes that peppers have been shown to reduce high cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, boost gut microbiome stimulate healthy gut flora, and also reduce inflammation.

So, now you can enjoy your spicy Mexican foods even more, because besides being incredibly delicious, you’ll also be getting some pretty good health benefits from all the chilies! Also, while us Arizonans known how to cook up some pretty great homemade Mexican food, it wouldn’t be possible without all the Arizona famers who grow us some pretty great ingredients to use! Whether it be dairy products, meats, pinto beans, or chilis, Arizona has it all!

For some yummy Mexican food recipes, or for information on where to find locally grown products, check out the Fill Your Plate website!

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Mediterranean Diet Snacks

By Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern

For those who start a new diet, the adjustment can sometimes be a little difficult. If planning meals that fit within a diet wasn’t hard enough, finding snacks can be just as hard if not harder, as many of the typical, convenient snacks don’t comply with most diets.  In this article, we’ll specifically be looking at snacks that fit the Mediterranean-style diet, but some of them can also cross-apply to other diets.

mediterranean diet pyramid

Here are some facts about the Mediterranean Diet so you can decide if it may work for you (photo credit:

When it comes to the Mediterranean diet as a whole, the main goal is not necessarily to limit or restrict certain foods or calories, but rather to eat whole, natural foods, and it specifically emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, poultry, seafood, and healthy fats. So, snacks that fit within the Mediterranean diet just have to align with those kinds of foods.

Here are a few snack suggestions you might consider trying:

  • Dried fruit and nuts – Apricots and almonds are a good pair, as are cranberries and cashews
  • Popcorn with parmesan and herbs
  • Veggies and hummus
  • Hard boiled eggs – Either plain or as deviled eggs
  • Fresh fruit and nut butter – Apples and peanut butter are delicious!
  • Sliced fresh vegetables with olive oil and herbs
  • Baked vegetable chips – Try zucchini, sweet potato, and while they’re not vegetables, bake chickpeas are great as well!
  • Greek yogurt – Pair with fruit, nuts, or granola


Another thing to keep in mind is to make sure that you’re getting enough water each day. Often, we mistake our slight dehydration for hunger.

So, if you’re following the Mediterranean diet, or a similar diet, don’t let yourself feel too overwhelmed with finding good snack options. Try out some of these ideas, or come up with your own combinations of whole, natural foods!

Did you know that Arizona agriculture produces lots of yummy foods that fit into the Mediterranean diet? From eggs and poultry to fruits and vegetables, to nuts and seeds, fresh, locally grown products can be found at your grocery store or farmers market!

For more articles on the Mediterranean diet and diets in general, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!

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