Holiday, But Healthy Cheer!

Julie Murphree, Arizona Farm Bureau Director of Communications

It’s December. We tell ourselves we’ll put our healthy nutritional habits on hold. After all, I’ll be off track with my eating for only a month. Right?!

Christmas holiday decoration ideas

Follow these tips to maintain healthy eating habits during the holidays. (photo credit:

But our expert nutritionists suggest it’s not that difficult to eat right during the holiday season. I quizzed a few of my “health nuts” and here’s what they suggested.

Keep portion size in mind: Okay, we may eat a few more baked goods and other foods not indulged in the other 11 months of the year, but you can actually enjoy a slice of pie, just make it a thin slice. Additionally, keep the same “size of your fist” rule when eating. We don’t need to pile it on to overflowing.

Limit sugar: I didn’t say cut it out. In fact, I’m not suggesting that you abstain from enjoying the sweets of the holiday season just keep in mind what is the sugar content of some of your food choices. Holiday drinks, including alcoholic drinks, are often adding the most sugar to the mix. Having a glass of wine? Maybe add one ounce of wine and a few ounces of seltzer. Plus, some mixed drinks have less sugar than others. Find out what they are. For example, vodka mixed with soda water has less sugar.

Add Vegetables and fiber to your plate. Vegetables and other high-fiber foods are healthy for you and will fill you up so that the other foods that may be more of an overindulgence won’t be so appealing since you’ll already feel full.

Drink plenty of water. We often are a bit dehydrated anyway. Plus, a glass of water might fill you up before you fill up your plate.

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