Monthly Archives: May 2011
Mortimer Family Farms Establishes Roots on the Site Formerly Known as Young’s Farms
It’s been almost five years since Young’s Farm closed. Gary and Sharla Mortimer, owners of Mortimer’s Nursery in Prescott and the Ash Creek Ranch off State Route 169, changed all that in April when they held a press conference and had local dignitaries help them plant the first seeds in the newly plowed ground.
5 Ways Your Diet Can Relieve Stress
Certain foods are natural mood enhancers that help you remain calm in stressful situations. Other foods actively repair the damage stress does at a cellular level, giving your body a powerful ally to fight the effects of stress.
The Pressure is On to Feed a Growing World
Self sufficiency is, of course, part of the answer, but families producing to feed only themselves will guarantee they are perpetually poor and will only insure famine when disruptions occur beyond the control of the family.
You Live in the Desert, But Do You Also Live in a Food Desert?
For many Arizona residents, there is little question that they live in the desert as far as the climate goes. However, many of those same residents also live in a food desert according to the new internet mapping tool recently released by the USDA. This tool, that shows which portions of the country have limited access to affordable, nutritious food, was created to help policy makers and community leaders understand which communities would most benefit from aid and intervention.
Top Mexican Restaurants to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo
In honor of Cinco De’ Mayo, and Brent Murphree’s post about his favorite Mexican Restaurants, I thought I would add mine.