Tag Archives: ranchers
Arizona Farm Bureau Gives Website Dedicated to Arizona Food and Farms A Facelift
Arizona Farm Bureau recently relaunched its Fill Your Plate website as part of their ongoing commitment to preserving and promoting the Arizona agriculture industry.
Out to Pasture and On To Quality Grass on the McGibbon and King Family Ranches
Hungry for beef? Want it to be grass-fed? Arizona beef producers can accommodate you.
In fact, a generational ranch family in southern Arizona can accommodate a variety of niche beef markets for that matter.
Beef is Back!!
The economic collapse in 2008 caused a large drop in consumer spending which in turn affected the prices of calves, feeder cattle, cows and beef. The impact – a 12% drop in beef demand as people cooked lower valued beef cuts at home and ate at restaurants less – caused a 25% drop in cattle prices. Times were tough. But as we know – tough times don’t last but tough people do. Cattle producers are tough people.
Arizona Farmer-Chef Connection 3: Make market connections between local buyers and growers!
This gathering is designed to foster collaboration and wholesale direct market opportunities for local farmers, ranchers, chefs and other food buyers who are committed to expanding and strengthening local and seasonal food networks.
Continued Litigation on Public Lands Could Mean an End to Grazing
Through the use of litigation, various environmental groups in Arizona are hampering government land management agencies’ ability to fulfill their mission. Arizona Farm Bureau members, many of whom depend upon leasing federal lands for their livelihood, are taking action.