Category Archives: Fruit
50 Fantastic Ways to Use Figs
There is nothing quite like the sweet taste and chewy texture of fresh figs. As the fruit of the Ficus tree, figs come in a variety of colors and textures and offer a tasty treat that is as good for … Continue reading
Apples, Apples, Everywhere….Arizona Apples
Apple season is just around the corner and this year looks to be one for the history books. Experts are predicting the third largest apple crop in U.S. History despite the fact that two of the primary apple producers, Michigan … Continue reading
Can Prunes Help Whittle Your Waistline?
If most of us think of prunes at all, we think of them as something senior citizens eat because of their high fiber content. But a new study may have everyone talking about prunes as the next weight loss “superfood”. … Continue reading
30 Ways to Use Oranges
August is all about Arizona Oranges and we thought it would be fun to get to know these delicious orange orbs a little better. Here are some fun facts, interesting bits of information, and delicious dishes that are all about … Continue reading