This article originally appeared in the January/February 2013 issue of Foodie News, brought to you by the Public Relations Department of the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Recent consumer research conducted by Midan Marketing regarding types of meat available at supermarkets revealed some interesting responses and a few knowledge gaps.
Source: Supermarket News,

Consumer research revealed insights when asked about mean available in supermarkets. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
86 % of shoppers surveyed who said they should be allowed to buy meat raised without antibiotics or growth hormones. (Consumer Reports survey)
72 % of shoppers surveyed who said they would like to buy “antibiotic- and hormone-free” meat.
60 % of shoppers surveyed who said they would be willing to pay 5 cents more per pound for meat raised without “antibiotics or growth hormones.” (Consumer Reports survey)
55 % of shoppers surveyed who did not know if meat available in the store where they shopped was raised with “hormones or antibiotics.”
44 % of shoppers surveyed who made no changes to their buying behavior after learning about “antibiotics and growth hormones” used in livestock.
44 % of shoppers surveyed who could not accurately define the terms “antibiotics” and “growth hormones.”
42 % of shoppers surveyed who said they were concerned about the effects of “growth hormones” in meat.
41 % of shoppers surveyed who said they were concerned about the negative effects of antibiotics in meat.
20 % of shoppers surveyed who said they switched to a natural or organic brand of pork or beef after learning about “antibiotics or growth hormones” used in livestock.