Tag Archives: cotton
Faces of Arizona Agriculture: Rick Evans
Face of Arizona Agriculture: Rick Evans Husband, father of 4, grandfather or 12. Rick Evans lives in Gilbert, Arizona. Rick is a 5th generation cotton, small grains, silage corn, and sugar beets farmer. Rick added landscape trees and sweet corn … Continue reading
Ask a Farmer: Genetically Modified Crops
Ask a Farmer: Questions Moms Ask Arizona Farmers & Ranchers Question #3 From Arizona Mom, Debbie: Should I be worried about genetically modified crops? Thanks for the opportunity to answer this question for you. And, I appreciate your concern! So you … Continue reading
USDA Releases New Maps Identifying Major Crop Producing Areas: Apples
A total of 40 new maps have been prepared, showing major crop-producing areas in the United States, China, India, Pakistan, and South Africa. Earlier versions of these maps appeared in the Major World Crop Areas and Climatic Profiles (MWCACP) handbook that contains … Continue reading
Arizona Farmers are Busy Planting
So your Arizona farmers are busy. If they don’t get right back with you on their cell phones, at least you know where they’re at out planting cotton and other crops while our weather warms up.