A review of current studies finds that drinking citrus juice helps boost immune health. I think our Arizona, California and Florida citrus farmers already knew that since they produce some of the most wonderful citruses around.
A review in Frontiers in Immunology of nearly 200 studies found that juices from citrus fruits have micronutrients and other bioactives, such as vitamin C, folate and polyphenol, that can help bolster immune response and combat inflammation and oxidative stress.
“These nutrients — which are absorbed well from fruit juices — support the function of many types of immune cells including phagocytes, natural killer cells, T-cells and B-cells,” researcher Dr. Philip Calder said.
A team of researchers studied a variety of reports and studies to evaluate all the important components found in citrus to boost immune systems.
To learn more about Arizona’s citrus, type the word in the search bar within Fill Your Plate’s blog.