By: Heide Kennedy, Arizona Farm Bureau Communications Intern
The first thing that my mom and brothers do when they wake up in the morning is eat breakfast. If they don’t eat first thing upon arising, they get “hangry,” and they remain that way until they get some food. In contrast, my dad and I are the complete opposite. Both of us skip breakfast almost every day and feel just fine, if not better. Obviously eating or skipping breakfast impacts people differently, but it turns out that it impacts young kids pretty significantly.

Eggs are a delicious and economical breakfast option.
According to a study, consumption of breakfast, source of the meal, and food quality play a large role in the psychosocial behaviors of children ages 4-14. Specifically, in terms of skipping breakfast regularly, the odds of developing psychosocial behavioral issues were more than 3 times that of children who ate every morning. Likewise, those who ate breakfast outside of the home were also significantly more likely to develop these behavioral issues compared to those who ate at home. Researchers also noted that what kids ate for breakfast impacts their behaviors as well. The behavioral issues that resulted from poor breakfasts affected kids’ emotions, conduct, hyperactivity, relationships with peers, and prosocial behaviors.
We’ve long known that eating a good, nourishing meal in the mornings is important, but it is especially important for young kids. So, before sending your kids off to school in the morning, make them a healthy breakfast! Not only will it ensure that they have fuel for their day, but it could help to improve their psychosocial behaviors!
Did you know that Arizona agriculture provides everything you need to make a complete and nourishing breakfast? Eggs, milk, butter, cheese, veggies, fruits, and more are produced right here in our home state!
For more breakfast articles, check out the Fill Your Plate blog!