Walls of moving dust that appear miles high and miles wide have become a common sight during Arizona’s summer months. Drought conditions have contributed to more frequent and larger dust storms that leave inches of dust on our homes and vehicles creating dangerous situations for motorists traveling on the road.
“Visibility is greatly reduced in a dust storm making conditions very unsafe for drivers, “ says Nicole Farr, Communications Manager of the Arizona Insurance Council (AIC). “There have been too many accidents over the years causing serious injuries and even deaths when motorists try to keep driving through the dust.”
The AIC urges motorists to heed warnings for approaching dust storms and follow these safety tips provided by the Arizona Department of Transportation. Being more cautious could save your life, reduce injuries and reduce damages to your vehicle.
Guidelines for Traveling in Dust Storms:
- Never stop in the travel lane
- Travel at a speed suitable for limited visibility
- If you can’t pull off the road, turn your lights on
- Sound your horn intermittently
- Use the painted lane striping to guide you
- If possible, look for a safe place to pull of the road!
If you do pull off the road, observe the following safety tips:
- Set your emergency brake
- Take your foot off the brake pedal
- Turn off all vehicle lights
- Wait out the storm
If you are not traveling when you hear a dust storm warning but are planning to, please wait out the storm and stay off the road until the storm passes.
If you have car and home safety and insurance questions, please contact Farm Bureau Financial Services.