
Mobile Friendly Fill Your Plate Helps You Source for Local Food

Fill Your Plate is mobile-friendly. Your weekend trip requires a morning visit to a farmer’s market. Just take out your smartphone, search Fill Your Plate.org and take advantage of the most comprehensive list of Arizona farmers’ markets.

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Arizona Olive Oil and Leafy Greens Make for the Perfect Salad

Putting Olive oil on salad helps the body absorb nutrients. Good to know since Yuma, Arizona is considered America’s winter Salad Bowl because of all the leafy greens it produces!

mixed fresh salad leaves

photo: bigstock

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Arizona’s Female Farmers

Women represent a third of America’s farmers and ranchers. And, Arizona has the largest percentage of female farmers partly due to so many of our female American Indian farmers.

Ramona Button is owner of Ramona farms in Pinal County.


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Pork is Certified Heart Healthy

Many pork cuts are as lean or leaner than chicken. And pork is an excellent source of nutrients. In fact, the American Heart Association certifies pork as heart-healthy

Pork is Heart Healthy (photo credit: BigStockPhoto.com)


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The Importance of Food Safety Labels

New food safety labels on leafy greens will now identify the growing region and the “Harvested after” date. This label lets us understand different regions of the country and how they have different harvest seasons. Plus, during the winter, you’ll see “Yuma, Arizona” as a growing region.



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